Rubino Findley, PLLC is proud to announce that attorney Joseph Mannino has joined our Firm as an Of Counsel attorney.

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Assistance with Business Compliance Issues

Assistance with Business Compliance Issues

Every business has complex sets of laws with which they must comply, and these laws can vary widely depending on your industry, operations, workforce, location, and more. Noncompliance with even one regulation can result in penalties, liability, or even the closure of your business. So how do you stay on top of it all, especially when you are already busy running your business? Having a business compliance attorney in your corner can make all the difference.

Many large companies have an in-house general counsel who has the full-time jobs of addressing legal matters, including compliance. These lawyers know the corporations and relevant laws inside and out, which helps keep the operation in line with the law. However, most small businesses do not have the resources – nor the need – to have a full-time attorney on staff. This does not mean you should ignore compliance matters, as there are other options.

Many small businesses benefit greatly from the general counsel services of a business law firm. Outsourcing general counsel means you can have legal assistance when you need it without paying for a full-time position in-house. Part of an outsourced general counsel’s duties can involve reviewing all relevant regulations and identifying possible areas of noncompliance. This can include:

  • Land use and zoning
  • Up-to-date licenses and permits
  • Employment and labor policies
  • Safety regulations and codes
  • Filings with the state
  • Securities laws
  • Antitrust laws

Our law firm can provide legal services and compliance oversight, as well as address any allegations of noncompliance from government agencies, employees, or other organizations.

Learn More about Business General Counsel Lawyers in Boca Raton

If your company wants to ensure compliance and resolve legal concerns quickly without a full-time attorney on staff, you want a Boca Raton business general counsel attorney from Rubino Findley PLLC on your side. Call 561.220.8464 or contact us online to discuss our business law services and how we can benefit your business.