Rubino Findley, PLLC is proud to announce that attorney Joseph Mannino has joined our Firm as an Of Counsel attorney.

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Stay Safe this Holiday Season

Stay Safe this Holiday Season

Personal Injury Attorney
As the holidays kick off with Thanksgiving, we could all use some cheer and time with family to end 2020. While this holiday season might look different than those in the past, most families are trying to make the best of it. Unfortunately, for too many households, an accident and injuries disrupt their holidays, possibly causing additional stress and struggles well into the future. There are steps you can take to keep your family safe during the 2020 holidays while still enjoying yourselves. Watch for Drunk Drivers The holidays and festive drinks go hand-in-hand for many people, and too many people get behind the wheel of a car after having too much to drink. If you are hit by a drunk driver, you can sustain serious injuries and incur extensive…
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Is Arbitration Right for Your Case?

Is Arbitration Right for Your Case?

business law FAQ
When disputes arise between parties to a contract, business partners, or other parties, there are different ways to resolve them. Sometimes, informal negotiations or communications between attorneys is enough to reach an agreement with arbitration. In other situations, the matter might escalate to litigation, which can be costly for everyone involved. Resolving disputes as efficiently as possible should be a priority, and this is why alternative dispute resolution (ADR) is a commonly-used option. One form of ADR that is common in business disputes is called arbitration. What is Arbitration? Arbitration is often compared to trial in court, though it is a less formal and drawn-out process. Both sides (through their attorneys) present their arguments before one or three arbitrators, and they make the decision on how to resolve the issue.…
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Are You Considering the Sale of Your Business?

Are You Considering the Sale of Your Business?

Business Law
In 2020, many business owners have faced struggles, and simply operating can require significantly more effort and resources than before the pandemic began. Some owners are deciding to pass the torch by selling their business, so they can retire or take a different route that might be less stressful. You should carefully consider the pros and cons of selling your company at this time, and some factors to weigh include: How is your industry performing in general? Has your company performed well in the market? How do your future financial forecasts look? What are the current interest rates? Are you personally ready to bow out of your company? You should discuss the big picture with a business attorney who can help advise you on the best course of action for…
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Who Should You Choose to be the Personal Representative of Your Estate?

Who Should You Choose to be the Personal Representative of Your Estate?

Estate Planning
Your last will and testament is a critical part of your estate plan. You might be aware that your will allows you to instruct how your property and assets should be distributed after you pass away, which should be carefully considered. Another important consideration when it comes to drafting a will is who you will designate to be the personal representative of your estate. The personal representative is in charge of many tasks when it comes to administering your estate. These include: Locating and notifying beneficiaries named in your will Taking inventory of all property and assets Pay necessary bills as needed during probate Notifying creditors and paying debts Filing taxes Closing accounts Distributing your estate according to your will Closing your estate With the right personal representative, the probate…
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Drunk Driving Increases on Halloween

Drunk Driving Increases on Halloween

Auto Accidents
Halloween is often associated with children in costumes collecting candy from neighbors. However, adults hold plenty of celebrations for Halloween, and many of these involve alcoholic beverages. While many revelers make the responsible choice to take an Uber home, others might decide to drive their cars after having too many drinks. Law enforcement agencies often increase enforcement efforts on Halloween and other holidays, but they cannot identify and arrest every drunk driver before they cause harm. There is usually an increase in drunk driving crashes on Halloween, and innocent people can have their lives changed in an instant. Holding Drunk Drivers Liable If you sustain injuries in a crash caused by an intoxicated driver, it is expected that you want to hold them accountable for all the harm and expenses…
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Slip and Falls While Shopping

Slip and Falls While Shopping

Slip and Fall
We visit retail establishments on a regular basis, and we do not expect that our shopping trip or errands will end up with a visit to the emergency room. However, millions of people slip and fall down each year across the country, and slip and falls can result in surprisingly serious injuries. Many stores have a high risk of slip and falls, including: Grocery stores Big box stores, such as Walmart Clothing shops Department stores Hardware stores Wholesale stores Shopping malls All of these establishments have a duty to make sure the premises are reasonably safe for customers. After all, they are inviting customers inside to shop, and those customers should not have to worry about the risk of injuries. Unfortunately, many store owners and managers fail to abide by…
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Resolving a Contract Dispute

Resolving a Contract Dispute

Contract Disputes
Both businesses and consumers enter into contracts on a regular basis. Contracts can involve purchases of products or services, business-to-business transactions, real estate matters, and much more. One thing that most contracts have in common is that a dispute regarding the contract can be costly. Contract disputes often arise when one party accuses another party of breaching the contract. A breach can involve a lack of promised performance or the failure to abide by the terms of the agreement, among other allegations. Contract disputes can result in losses or liability for parties, and it is best to resolve the conflict as efficiently as possible, often allowing the contract to proceed. A business litigation lawyer in Boca Raton can help you do just this. Methods of Resolution Not every contract dispute…
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Components of a Comprehensive Estate Plan

Components of a Comprehensive Estate Plan

Estate Planning
When many people think of estate planning, they think of writing a last will and testament, commonly called simply a will. While a will is a critical part of any estate plan, it is far from the only document that will benefit you and your family. The following are some documents that are often components of a comprehensive estate plan that accomplishes your goals for the future. Will - A will is a cornerstone of an estate plan, and having a will makes the probate process much easier for your family and beneficiaries. You can use a will to distribute property as you see fit, as well as to name someone who will care for your children should it become necessary. Trusts - Even though a will can distribute your…
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Is Your Estate Plan Up to Date?

Is Your Estate Plan Up to Date?

Estate Planning
Thousands of people have unexpectedly become seriously ill or passed away in Florida so far in 2020. In times like these, it is common to wonder what might happen if you passed away. Would your property and family be protected by the estate plan you currently have in place? It is always wise to review and update your estate plan on a regular basis with the help of an estate planning lawyer in Boca Raton. There are several aspects of an estate plan that might need to be updated due to life events or simply due to the passage of time. Some events that might trigger the need for an update include: Marriage or divorce Birth of a child Changes in your other relationships Changes to your property and assets…
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Will We See a Rise in RV Crashes in 2020?

Will We See a Rise in RV Crashes in 2020?

Auto Accidents
With many people not wanting to fly due to the Coronavirus pandemic, families are finding other ways to take vacations during the summer. One popular option this year has been to rent or purchase a recreational vehicle (RV) and head off with the family on board to explore different parts of the country. While RVs can be a fun way to travel, they pose the risks of serious RV accidents for various reasons. Inexperienced drivers - RVs are much larger than regular passenger cars and SUVs, and their size, weight, and height make them more difficult to maneuver. People who start driving without having any training or experience might not know what precautions to take, such as slowing down more on turns, or what to do if they start to…
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